Friday, Dec 06, 2024
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Rhode Island Emissions and Safety Testing Program Feedback Page
Did station personnel explain the test to you?
Are you satisfied that you understand what the test is designed to do?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisified
Very dissatisfied
Where did you learn about the new inspection program? (Check all that apply)
News report or interview program
Newspaper advertisement
Radio advertisement
Friend or relative told me
I called the Rhode Island Emissions & Safety Testing Program hotline (1-866-623-8378)
I looked at the Web site
My repair facility
How did you find this inspection station? (Check all that apply)
It is the same station I used last year
I saw it in the newspaper
A friend or relative told me about it
I called the Hotline
I looked at the Web site
I noticed the sign in front of the station
Do any of your friends or family members have asthma or a breathing problem?
Other than for inspections, I usually check my headlights, brake lights and turn signals for proper operation every...(Select one)
6 Months
The Rhode Island Safety and Emissions Testing Program is necessary because...(Please check all that you believe apply.)
I don't want my family driving a car that is not safe
I might forget to get the car checked on a regular basis
Without required inspections, the person driving in front of me or behind me could be driving an unsafe vehicle
Unsafe vehicles are a danger to everyone
I looked at the Web site
Rhode Island needs to reduce the amount of pollution caused by vehicle emissions
Comments: (1000 characters limit)
Station Name:
Station Address:
Your Email Address:
Rhode Island cars are driven nearly 15 million miles each day. Since vehicles are such an important part of our daily lives, and this is a new program, we are interested to know how it is working for consumers and what people think about it. Thank you.
Please email any general comments you may have about the program to
Thank you for your time and comments.